Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First OB Appointment

So I just finished up with my first OB appointment and found out that all my Vitals are good and that I am blood type O-. Never knew. Well met my Doctor and she is such a sweetheart and I feel that she looks at things like a Mom and not such a Doctor and I can not wait to see how this goes throughout the pregnancy. Currently I am 7 weeks and 2 days and our next appointment is on June 15th where we get to hear the heartbeat.

Oh and the best one is on August 26th where we get to find out what we are having.

Much love, Chad and Chelsea

Oh yeah and Carlos :D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

First Ultra Sound - 6 Weeks, 4 Days

So excited!! So today it was finally confirmed that our little nugget is doing good and right on track. We are only having one, which was news by itself. Also, we got to see the little fluttering heart beat up on the screen. It was really overwhelming because you have all these emotions and the biggest one is knowing that this is a wonderful gift and miracle.

Next appointment is Tuesday where I meet with the Dr and talk about the Blood work and what she sees happening with this pregnancy. :D

Chad and Chels

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Appointment

Hey Everyone!!!

So Chad and I had our first appointment Bright and early this morning. So we went over family history and information about being pregnant. Our nurse was so sweet and she was really excited to meet us. I guess most nurses do not actually see the patients from the beginning and so it was really nice for her to know us from the very first appointment. After going over generic information we went and made out appointment for the Ultrasound. Tomorrow!! Woo Hoo at 8:30 am to make sure if I am having twins or Not. Oh man I can not wait. Then on Tuesday we are set for a 9:30am appointment to go over Blood work that was done today and actually meet our Doctor, Mary Beth Wittman.

Well we will let you know how things go!! Can't Wait

Monday, May 10, 2010

Finding Out

So it is early morning on Friday April 23rd and we had been thinking that we might be pregnant but test after test for the last few days and they still came up with a Negative.

But this morning I went in and took a First Response pregnancy test and there was a little faint blue line. I really did not think it was really showing but I came out of the bathroom and let Chad know. He looked at me and was positive that I was not pregnant and that we should wait to take another one tomorrow. I rushed him out the door and ran upstairs to try and squeeze out another test on the Clear Blue. While I sat there with a the hour glass going. I thought, you better not be Pregnant. Seconds later, and "Pregnant" popped up on the little screen.

I instantly started bawling and could not believe it. After I calmed down enough that I could stop shaking and had wiped enough tears away, I took a picture of it and sent it to Chad and before he probably had time to respond I called him. I asked him if he got my text and he said to hold on. Long moments of silence and he asked if I was serious. I let him know that I took it and this is what happened.

Well as you can suspect that news travels fast and currently it is May 10th and I am 6weeks and 3 days along and on Wednesday it is our First Prenatal Visit. Can not wait to see how things go and we just hope for the best.

Wish us luck